Thursday, March 6, 2025

Aggressive Driving Behaviors: What to Do?


If you are a frequent road user, you may have witnessed aggressive drivers whose dangerous behavior endangers their lives and the lives of other road users.  In simple terms, aggressive driving is intentional reckless driving disregarding traffic rules. Statistics have revealed that more than 50 percent of serious accidents in the US are caused by aggressive driving.

While road rage is the most common form of aggressive driving, it is not the only one. If you are not fully conversant with aggressive driving behaviors, below are more examples that are equally risky. Road rage can lead to devastating accidents, and in the light of such an event, speaking to a legal professional like car accident attorney Felix Gonzalez is par for the course. 

Factors Causing Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving could be caused by stress, impatience due to lateness, increased traffic, and previous detours from the original road route. Here are some common habits of rash drivers.


This refers to closely following another vehicle in an attempt to force a driver to speed up. This action is dangerous, especially if you are already driving the speed limit. The driver behind you could easily rear-end you if you come to a sudden stop. 

Weaving in and Out of Traffic

Weaving is a type of reckless driving where a driver swerves between different lanes, often cutting off other drivers. Not only is this behavior dangerous, but it is also illegal. It becomes more dangerous when done at high speeds as the probability of crashing is much higher. 

Brake Checking

A brake check is the use of brakes to dissuade a vehicle closely following you. While it is a caution to the driver behind to provide more following distance, it is equally negligent. This is because suddenly braking could cause a rear-end accident. 

Driving on the Right Shoulder Lane

This lane is often preserved for emergency vehicles, but some drivers disregard this exception. This is considered aggressive driving as they could easily crash into other drivers or run into emergency personnel in that lane.

Other aggressive driving behaviors include speeding, street racing, running red lights, impaired driving, swearing, yelling, and failing to yield. 

Tips to Avoid Aggressive Driving

Below are some tips that could help you become a calmer driver:

Plan Ahead

You should always check the road conditions and weather predictions for your day of travel. You can find another route if there are any ongoing road constructions. Finally, leave early to provide an allowance for any delays.

Allow for Mistakes

Not all road errors are intentional; some may be honest mistakes. Such situations are beyond your control. Therefore, always remain calm and polite to other motorists.

Be the Change You Want to See in Others

Set an example to others by driving safely and observing all road rules. Avoid acting out of anger when offended; instead, handle the situation without further aggravating others.   

Responding to Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers can easily get under your skin. The good news is you can swiftly respond to them with the following guidelines.

Do Not Retaliate

It is unwise to ‘pay back’ an aggressive driver. Avoid engaging with them by honking or yelling. 

Protect Yourself

If an aggressive driver confronts you, stay in your vehicle and keep all windows and doors closed. If the situation escalates, call the police. Similarly, if you witness road rage, do not directly confront the driver; instead, report the driver to the police.

Wrapping Up

When it comes to aggressive driving, it is quite easy to point the finger at others. However, we may unknowingly be a part of this menace. Ensure you follow all traffic rules to avoid falling victim to aggressive driving.

Finally, while driving, be on the lookout for aggressive drivers. Identifying them and steering clear of them could help reduce the chances of crashes. That way, you will be actively promoting safer driving practices.

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